



How digital marketing can impact your business in a big way

Last updated on 25 Apr 2017 - 3 min read

digital marketing

Digital marketing is an essential part of any successful business, and in today’s world, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to survive without an effective marketing strategy. With services such as SEO(Search Engine Optimisation), Email Marketing and Social Media management including ads and campaigns, we can combine all into an effective and complete strategy, increasing traffic and turning visitors into leads.

Search Engine Optimisation:

Utilising SEO may be the best choice your business has ever made (we know that is a bold statement but let us explain). Being able to push you and your service or product to the top of the first page in google will be more than beneficial to your web traffic and sales. We use a combination of keyword distribution, internal linking, content management plus strategic and analytical tools to make sure every search engine knows exactly where all your potential new customers need to be sent, and where your website needs to be placed on google rankings (At The Top!). This service can take anywhere between 3 to 6 months but we know that when it works, it works well!

Email Marketing:

This fantastic tool is like no other, we call it a tool because it takes time to master and we have done exactly that. Email marketing is able to target a whole range of specific customers with information and offers that they do not want to miss out on. Email Marketing helps cut costs because there isn’t any printing involved, but it is just as effective if not more so. We tailor emails to existing customers, new customer or even for both! Email Marketing truly is the most versatile and effective way for any business to contact their customers. It’s likely you already know about email marketing as a lot of business’ already use it as an effective part of their digital marketing strategy and you may have even received the emails yourself! For Information on any Updates to the new data protection laws please feel free to contact us and put your mind at ease.

Social Media Management:

As you may already know there are 2.3 billion people signed up to social media, so using this as a foundation of your strategic marketing campaign is almost fundamental. What we offer, is to take partial control of your business’ social media presence, with you still being very much in control, and post engaging content for your customers to know you are an active member of the online community. Social Media Advertising helps gain leads and give your customers a sense of who you and your business are. We also create paid ads that get clicks straight through to your sight or tailored so they can call straight from the ads themselves to get more information about your products or services.

Overall Digital Marketing makes sense for any business that would value an online presence and is keen on building a strong client base. For more information on web design Warwickshire and how we can help you and your business with digital marketing or if you would like to kick-start the future of your business contact Fly Full Circle on 02476 249 424 or email us at