



Sheldon's Wine Cellars - Sheldon's Wine Cellars - Sheldon's Wine Cellars -

Sheldon's Wine Cellars - Sheldon's Wine Cellars - Sheldon's Wine Cellars -

The Challenge

We worked with wine connoisseurs, Sheldon's Wine Cellars, to create a custom-built website to show what they have been specialising in since 1842 and pay homage to their heritage and experience. Being an old and historic wine merchant with a long history, they were seeking a website that was content rich, elegant and had an ambience of nostalgia embedded into it.

Wines at all levels and types to suit all tastes

We took inspiration from their previous branding and re-imagined their logo and colours. With a focus on deep, bold but rich colour palettes mirrored with the right balance of imagery and illustrations, we were able to maximise the personality throughout the website. Through consideration of content placement and subtle animations, the navigation throughout the site is seamless for users.