



Mobile responsive web design is important for your business’ potential

Last updated on 24 Nov 2021 - 3 min read

Some people don’t realize that not having a mobile friendly website can hurt your business’ potential. Google has made it clear that it will be taking those who have mobile-friendly websites more seriously and they rank on the first page of search results.

Most business owners already know that in order to remain competitive, they need a website that is easily accessible on all devices. When you’re scrambling to find something to do or someone to talk to, there’s always the distraction of social media.

It’s important for businesses owners not only to focus on their internet marketing but also their digital presence. Your potential customers are using smartphones when doing research about your business.

As a business, your website should be mobile-friendly, no excuses.

Your website should be mobile-friendly. People are using their smartphones more than ever before, and if your site isn’t working on a phone it could cause you to lose out on potential customers. As a business owner, this is something that can have an impact on the bottom line.

Websites should be responsive to all devices. That means the site will adjust and reformat itself according to what device or screen size is being used by your visitors. This allows a website that was once only available on desktop computers to now also work on smartphones and tablets without compromising the experience for either visitor type. Your customers won’t have a bad experience on your site because the content is too small or they can’t read it.

“Responsive website design allows you to create one set of graphics and text that are flexible enough to be displayed in any size.” – David Airey, author of Design for Emotional Outcomes: The User Experience of Everyday Things

If you have a responsive site, your visitors will be able to read and interact with the content regardless of what device they’re on. This includes smartphones, iPads, or tablets.

Mobile usage is exceeding desktop usage more and more every year

Mobile phones have surpassed desktop computers as the primary device for internet usage. In 2015, mobile devices accounted for over 50% of global web browsing time.

This means that if your site is not available on a smartphone it’s likely to be missing out on potential customers and revenue.

In this day in age, more people are using their mobile devices for both work and play. They’re on their phone all the time, so if your business is not available to them through a mobile-friendly website you could be losing customers at an alarming rate.

Responsive and user-friendly mobile design

A responsive website is one that will adjust and reformat itself according to what device or screen size your visitor is using.

This means a site designed for desktop computers can also work on smartphones without compromising the experience while remaining user-friendly. Your customers won’t have a bad experience because they cannot read it or see all of the content.

To Sum up

To sum all of this up, you can be years and years behind your competitors and their online presence if you don’t have a responsive website. More and more people are using their phones to find information about a business wherever they are and if you don’t provide any then you are missing out on a wide range of potential customers. We want the best for you and your business, focus on your online presence and become mobile friendly.